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How to Choose Food for Senior Cats with Sensitive Stomachs

When it comes to senior cats with sensitive stomachs, choosing the right food is indeed more important. These cats may have a harder time digesting certain ingredients, and may be more prone to upset stomach or diarrhea.

When opting a food for a senior cat with a sensitive stomach, it’s important to look for a limited ingredient diet that’s easy to digest. A limited component diet contains a single protein source and a limited number of ingredients, which can help reduce the threat of an allergic response or digestive upset.

A good option for senior cats with sensitive stomachs is a wet food that’s high in moisture content, as wet food is more fluently digestible than dry food. This can help to keep the cat hydrated , and may also be more charming to cats that have lost their sense of smell or taste as they age.

Another important consideration is to avoid foods that contain artificial preservatives, colors or flavors, as these can be dangerous to your cat’s health. Also, it’s essential to avoid foods that contain grains, as they can be delicate to digest for some cats.

Best Food for Senior Cats with Sensitive Stomachs

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